

我们很高兴在迪克森附近为我们的客户服务, 我们便利的办公室位于东学院街,就在历史悠久的迪克森市中心外. Get to know our team below and click to read more about the 迪克森办公室的历史.

Michelle Balsley,注册会计师,CIA, CGMA

(615) 375-5171

Michelle is a firm partner and the 迪克森办公室总经理.  她毕业于西弗吉尼亚大学, 她在那里获得了工商管理学士学位和专业会计硕士学位. 在她25年以上的职业生涯中, she has worked in the public Big Four as well as private accounting sectors, focusing on a variety of industries including nonprofit, 建设, 银行, 经纪人/经销商, 健康保险, 员工福利计划, 和制造业. Michelle is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the states of Tennessee 和Minnesota, 注册内部审计师, 注册全球管理会计师,是她的许可人的各种专业协会的成员. In the course of executing high-quality audit and financial reporting services, 她力求通过流程改进和可操作的报告透明度来支持客户的成功.

Michelle resides in White Bluff, TN and is an active member and Treasurer of St. 伯恩斯的约翰路德教会, TN; Rotary District 6760 Assistant District Governor and Chair of the District 6760 Disaster Relief Committee; Chair of the Community Foundation for 迪克森 County Board of Directors; Chair of the Habitat for Humanity 迪克森 County Community Advisory Council; Treasurer of the Downtown 迪克森 Association; past President of the 迪克森 High Noon Rotary Club; past Board Chair, Community Volunteer Leader and Disaster Action Team Lead of the American Red Cross TN River Chapter; and an alumnus of the Leadership Middle Tennessee Class of 2023.


(615) 560-2177

 伊恩·布里森是一名高级教师. 联系 at Blankenship CPA Group and currently works with the Reporting Solutions Group. He has over 5 years of experience at the Firm, starting out in the 税 and 审计 departments.  Ian earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Tennessee Tech University. Primary responsibilities include preparing engagement letters, 为审计部门起草和更新审计报告,完成审计报告的定稿. 

Ian是一个积极向上的团队成员,为团队带来诚信和灵活性. When not working he enjoys 阅读 from a wide range of genres, 玩策略游戏, 举重和打高尔夫.


(615) 446-5106

安德里亚·多伊尔于2021年底加入Blankenship会计师事务所,担任ASG和行政团队的一员.   她在建筑和现场制作行业的企业簿记和办公室管理方面拥有超过8年的经验.  Andrea喜欢帮助客户保持账本清洁,并寻找技术解决方案,使他们的组织更强大. 

安德里亚喜欢住在田纳西州.  Some of her favorite things include hiking Montgomery Bell, 在乡间小路上开车, 还能看到星星. 


以人为本团队成员 & Consulant
(615) 375-5170

Mindy是“以人为本”团队成员 & Consultant serving internal and external clients in a multifaceted human resources role. Mindy是一名人力资源专业人士,在所有人力资源相关的职能领域都有丰富的经验. 她最近的职位是高级副总裁, 富兰克林Reliant银行的人力资源总监,她帮助这家银行从35名员工发展到400多名员工. 作为银行领导团队的一员, 她负责招聘, 政策发展, 员工关系, 福利管理, 绩效管理, 工资, 学习与发展, 和M & 一个项目的计划和执行.

Mindy is committed to providing value-based services; anticipating and meeting the needs of her internal and external clients; producing quality solutions on agreed-upon timelines; and most importantly, building relationships based on integrity and professionalism.

明迪住在宾夕法尼亚州, 加州, 纽约, 自1992年以来,他就把田纳西州中部称为家. 她喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 阅读, 锻炼, 在厨房里做饭和烘焙.


(615) 375-5168

安妮塔劳 joined BCPAG in January 2010 as a staff accountant at the 迪克森 Campus, where she has been providing accounting services since 2002.  她拥有纳什维尔州立技术学院计算机会计专业的副学士学位,并且是她所在班级的毕业生代表.

安妮塔出生并成长在田纳西州的伯恩斯.  她参加伯恩斯基督教堂.  Anita loves to read and is a member of a book club.  She also enjoys spending time with friends and family.


操作协调员 & 会计服务解决方案团队负责人
(615) 375-5166

Melissa is the 迪克森 操作协调员 and 会计服务 Team Lead, having served clients in the 迪克森 County area since 1985. 她持有纳什维尔州立技术学院的计算机会计副学士学位,并为各种客户和行业提供服务, 包括每月记账, 工资, and financial statement compilation and business, 销售, 工资税申报. She also provides support to the tax team throughout the filing season. 梅丽莎对细节的关注, 积极的态度, 她对客户和团队成员的承诺使她成为迪克森办公室团队不可或缺的一员. Melissa enjoys spending time with her family and friends, 福音音乐, walking and is an active member of Freedom Baptist Church.

林赛T. 雷


Lindsey是报告解决方案组的高级助理,她喜欢与其他团队成员一起工作,并为报告和格式需求提供支持. Lindsey于2016年毕业于the University of Tennessee at Martin,获得工商管理学士学位,主修会计专业. 在获得学位期间,她在一家小型非营利博物馆的会计/人力资源部门工作. 毕业后不久, Lindsey的职业生涯始于公共会计领域,她在田纳西州西北部的一家会计师事务所担任行政助理,并协助审计团队进行技术审查. In 2018, she moved on to another accounting firm and became an 联系 working in bookkeeping, 工资, 协助办理税务, 必要时担任前台工作. 2020年8月, she joined the Blankenship family and currently works out of our 迪克森 location. Lindsey and her husband, Jacob 雷, have been happily married since 2009. They have two beautiful, energetic, young daughters and a well behaved German Shepard. 他们喜欢任何类型的音乐,只要有机会,他们就会和女儿一起出去玩.

“I thoroughly enjoy having the opportunity to join and being a part of such a wonderful, 我是手机赌博软件下载排行大学的一群健康的人,我期待着与在这里结识的朋友们一起度过许多年.” - - - - - -林赛

Anton Rees,法学博士,注册会计师

(615) 375-5169


(615) 560-2178

霍尔顿斯奈德是Blankenship CPA Group的税务部门和会计解决方案部门的助理. Holden is a recent graduate from the University of Tennessee at Martin, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree and majored in finance and accounting. He works primarily with individuals and small business, assisting in a range of capacities from day-to-day bookkeeping, 到年度纳税申报.

Holden is native to the 迪克森 area, and is a graduate of Leadership 迪克森 County. 他喜欢打高尔夫球和弹班卓琴.

Wm. Michael Walters,注册会计师

(615) 446-7179

Mike Walters is the 名誉主任 of the 迪克森 office.  迈克在亨茨维尔长大, 阿拉巴马州, 10个兄弟姐妹中的老二, and graduated from the University of 阿拉巴马州 in 1973. He worked as an internal auditor for Genesco for 3 years, 曾担任纳什维尔电力服务公司的内部审计总监3年,然后于1979年开始在迪克森从事公共会计工作.  Mike has served many local business and commerce organizations in a variety of capacities, including but not limited to Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce.  Mike works with many not-for-profits and businesses in and around 迪克森, and has audited numerous Cities over the years as well.

Mike has 3 children, and is married to his lovely wife Judy.  迈克喜欢钓鱼 & enjoys golf whenever he can find some spare time.


(615) 446-5106

杰西卡·施普林格 joined BCPAG in April 2023 as an audit associate. Jessica is a recent graduate of Austin Peay State University, 她在那里获得了会计学士学位,并在整个大学期间获得了院长圈奖. 目前, 她正在攻读管理学硕士学位和奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的人力资源认证. She aspires to start testing for the CPA exam as soon as possible. 事务所的主要职责包括为客户完成工作底稿和测试审计程序. Jessica enjoys audit work and the problem solving it brings into her career.

Jessica was born and raised in 迪克森, Tennessee and loves the life the community brings. 市中心和徒步旅行的机会创造了一个完美的氛围,激发了她享受户外活动的爱好,并为与家人共度时光提供了一个完美的地方. 杰西卡很自豪地称迪克森为她的家乡!

我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.


©Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC 2024